[EAST2WEST] 현아 (HyunA) – FLOWER SHOWER Dance Cover

💐🌸 현아 (HyunA) – FLOWER SHOWER 🌸💐
하늘 하늘 하늘에 날리네~ 🌼💜

It might be snowing outside but let us shower you with some vivid, warm and colourful energy with this cover of HyunA’s Flower Shower! We promise HYUN-At going to be cold anymore!

Special thank you to YesStyle for sponsoring this video!

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HYUNA – Matthew D’Urbano (IG: @matthewdurbano)

Coralie Lemay-Girouard (IG: @coralielemayg)
Lee Kim Anh (IG: @leekimanh)
Lena Beanz (IG: @lena.beanz)
Saru Siva (IG: @saruchiba)

Alexis Lay (IG: @alxxlay)
Dylan Ricci (IG: @dylricci)
Justin Mah (IG: @mahjustin)
Patrick Park (IG: @patrickpark)
Song Wang (IG: @insta.nooda)

EXTRAS: Carla Mameng-Tsh, Jia Hui, Albert Zhang, Alexander Tam, Eric Li, Justin Hua

Filmed by:
Brian Kim

Edited by:
Lee Kim Anh

Christine Lam

현아 (HyunA) – 보라색 (PURPLE) (With Dawn)