[4K/60FPS] STAYC(스테이씨) 'RUN2U' MV

STAYC(스테이씨) ‘RUN2U’ MV

Please support the artist by watching the original MVs as well 🙂
Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grG41kS4MUA

For the best viewing experience, please set the quality to 4k 60fps.
Most mobile devices will be capped at 1080 60fps.
Due to the interpolation with AI, there are going to sometimes be glitches, which is normal.

I am making these videos for my own enjoyment and will not be taking requests.
I don’t have a set schedule for video uploads.

My PC: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/LcmHPV

Fan made content.
All rights belong to their respective owners.
No copyright infringement intended.
I don’t make money from these videos.